
1⃣胆汁质:情绪体验强烈,精力旺盛, 争强好斗,表里如一,刚毅顽强,鲁莽冒失,容易感情用事。
2⃣多血质:情感丰富,思维敏捷,活泼好动,善于交往,缺乏耐心, ... 全部信息
2.教学是在教育目的的规范下,由教师的教与学生的学共同组织的一种活动。教学与教育是部分与整体的关系。教学是进行全面发展教育的基本途径。教学与智育是途径与内容的关系。教学是教育的途径,智育是全面发展教育 ... 全部信息
1.Teaching objectives
(1)Knowledge objective:
Students will be able to master some key words and phrases such as A,B,C D and so on )
(2)Ability objectives:
a.Student will find out  the main idea and details of the passage.
b.student can develop  their listening and speaking skills through activities.
(3)Emotional objective:
Students will be more interested in learning English.
2.Teaching con ... 全部信息
认知策略 Cognitive strategy
复述策略 Rehearsal strategy
精加工策略 Elaborative strategy
组织策略 Organizational strategy
元认知策略 Metacognitive strategy
计划策略 Planning strategy
监控策略 Monitoring strategy
调节策略 Regulative strategy
资源管理策略 Resource management strategy ... 全部信息
1.Teaching objectves
(1)Knowledge objective:Students can learn some new words and expressions such as “chubby,athletic”to describe a person or thing。
(2)Ability objectives:
a.Students will be able to find out the main idea and the details of the passage.
b. Students can improve their listening and speaking skills through activities。
(3)Emotional objective:Students will be interested i ... 全部信息
1. Teaching objectives
(1) Knowledge objective:
Students will get to know basic elements in speaking.
(2) Ability objective:
Students can reply a letter in a proper way.
(3) Emotional objective: Students will be methodical in speaking
2. Teaching contents:
This is a speaking lesson—a letter about the classes of Yu Mei. Students need to reply the letter orally
3. Teaching key&difficult Points: ... 全部信息
1. Teaching objectives
(1) Knowledge objective:
Students will understand the facts about dinosaurs and Diogenes, and learn some elements of writing.
(2) Ability objectives:
a. Students are able to find out the main idea and the details of a passage.
b. Students can describe people or object in writing.
(3) Emotional objective:
Students will be more careful in observing and describing things.
2. ... 全部信息
1. Teaching objectives
(1) Knowledge objective:
Students will understand the advantage and disadvantage of online shopping through the text.
(2) Ability objectives:
a. Students are able to find out the main idea and the details of a passage.
b. Students will analyze the advantage and disadvantage in their own words.
(3) Emotional objective:
Students will be interested in discovering more informa ... 全部信息
(2)加强学生记忆。 ... 全部信息

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